Why Homebuilders Should Stop Painting Angle Irons
With hundreds of moving parts on a job site, builders need to simplify their process and reduce worries, both for them and the homeowners.
Painting angle irons requires prep work, painters on ladders or scaffolds, and with all that work, there's still a good chance they'll have rust issues down the line. Besides, there's an alternative that looks better even from day one.
The alternative that's becoming more popular, are angle iron covers. Covers such as those from Angle Armour, are made from PVC and will never rust.
They're easily installed by the masonry contractors by simply cutting and sliding them onto the angle irons.
It completely eliminates the need to paint the angle irons and is available in 8 different colours to perfectly match any home.
Our Homebuilder's Guide:
Using Angle Armour vs
Painting Angle Irons
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Differentiate your build quality with Angle Armour
Worry-Free Permanent Finish for Homebuilders
Made from PVC, our covers are highly durable and a great alternative to painting angle irons.
Prevents Rusted Angle Irons
Install Angle Armour once when installing the angle irons and eliminate the risks and costs of painters on ladders and future rust.
Angle Armour
Can Be Flashed
Our patented angle iron cover channels water away and prevents any trapped water on the top surface of the angle iron.